Improve User Engagement with Personalised Autoresponder Emails

Make a great first impression, always!

Build great relationship with personalised autoresponders


Autoresponders are great way to acknowledge a user action and engage with them in real time. The key is to track user actions that needs to be used for triggering autoresponders and selecting channels for reaching out. Subscription services find good use of autoresponders in new user registration, users asking for personalised product walkthrough, newsletter subscription and alike.
Business should evaluate the channels for reaching out such as email, SMS, browser push, mobile push notification depending on business type and priority. Personalisation is the another key element of a good autoresponder. Message for autoresponders need not be pre-defined text but should dynamically pull data based on user action and user persona values. An example of a repeat customer asking for product walkthrough for a new product should receive a personalised autoresponder containing product details with other recommendations based on that user's historical transactions.
It’s important to have autoresponder emails set at various user touchpoints on your portal (website or app). This sends out a series of emails, in an order and frequency that you specify, all starting at the time the user enters the journey. This decreases unnecessary overhead and ensures you don’t miss out on a single prospect. As a sample, we will show a demo request responder email.

Subscription Services

Use Case:
Autoresponder email for product walkthrough request


Event tracking submission of product walkthrough request


WebEngage.Track(‘demo_requested’, {

“Email” :,
“Name” : Dummy,
“Contact” : 123456,
“Industry” : e commerce,
“Acc_created Date” : 12/12/17,
“Acc_created time” : 16:00
“Last login date” : 16/12/17
“Last login time” : 14:00
“Country” : India
“Plan” : Free
“Page URL” : 
“Request date” : 
“Request time” :
“Acquisition source” : 

“MAU” : 50000,
“Phone number” : 9842657921
“Number of sessions” : 6
“Lead score” : 

“On website” : 1
"On mobile" : 0,
“Newsletter subscribed” : 1
“Account_verified” : 1


Step-by-step explanation:
1. User enters this journey as soon as he/she submits a new demo request.
2. Workflow waits for 5 mins. (the wait will ensure user creation/updation in CRM post the event)
3. Workflow checks for the event attribute value to check for details on the demo requested, say Product 1 or Product 2
3.1. If the demo request was made for Product 1 , send a personalised email with details on product 1 (including the team handling product 1 demo in cc)
3.2. If the demo request was made for Product 2 , send a personalised email with details on product 2 (including the team handling product 2 demo in cc)
4. End journey for that user.

Protip: Workflow can even check for user attribute value to filter the router for the user in the journey. say, premium customer (identified by user attribute value) needs to be patched to respective relation manager for followup.

Need help with activating this journey? Drop a mail at with your query.